Seafood hygiene EN


Seafood hygiene  EN
Produktnummer: 2266
Kursnummer: 10000970
Språk: Engelsk tekst
Produkttype: Nettbasert opplæring som leveres via DataPower Learning Online.
Pris: kr 937,50 (kr 750,00 ekskl. mva)
Videreføringspris: kr 937,50 (kr 750,00 ekskl. mva)
Dette er pris fra og med år to. Du får tilbud om fornyelse til denne prisen i god tid før utløpsdato, og kan da velge å forlenge varigheten på kurset.

Knowledge of basic hygiene in a seafood company.

The course is suitable for anyone who works in the seafood industry, and as a reference book for the industry.

The course has been developed by Sjømat Norge in collaboration with Datapower Learning AS.

It is available in Norwegian, English and Russian versions. In addition, we have several English versions of the e-learning course where tests and exams can be taken in Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish and Russian.

The course can be split up and takes when it suits and as often as you like. After passing the exam (the final test), a course sertificate can be printed that documents the competence.


Introduction to seafood production
Target group
About the course and its use

Hygiene in seafood production
Safe food
Relevant hazards
Infectious organisms
Chemical substances
Foreign substances

Production hygiene
Clean zone and unclean zone
Production facilities
Production flow
Traffic routes and sluices
Cleaning, washing and disinfection

Personal hygiene
Important points for personal hygiene
Work clothes and personal protective equipment
Hand hygiene
Wounds and cuts
Suspected illness
Travelling abroad

Equipment hygiene
Types of equipment
Personal equipment
Production lines
Other equipment

Regulations and standards
Internal control
HACCP – Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
Norwegian Food Safety Authority
Private standards



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